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Prestigious award

Atreus wins German Brand Award

Atreus again wins the German Brand Award for outstanding branding

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Winner Excellent Brand

Brand as the north star of digitalisation

Atreus was able to fully convince with its guiding principle of establishing a “strong brand” that serves as the “north star” for all course-setting within the company. This approach forms the basis for the now award-winning “Corporate Services” initiative, where effective communication of competencies and project requirements meets proven storm-proof achievers with an unconditional commitment to success and outstanding implementation strength. The awards confirm the high level at which Atreus has established itself as a brand.

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Winner Excellence in Brand Strategy and Creation

Strategic co-branding with Fraunhofer Alumni

Atreus’ video presentation on the concept of “Strategic Co-Branding” was particularly highlighted. This involves working closely with Fraunhofer Alumni to exploit the potential of the partnership. The 4th Innovation Lounge “The Future of Industrial Energy Supply – Quo Vadis?” in summer 2022 offered experts from industry and Fraunhofer Alumni the opportunity to discuss and summarise the current state of development of hydrogen as an energy hope carrier.

Atreus, the market leader in interim management in Germany and one of the leading European providers, has once again won the prestigious German Brand Award for its impressive branding. The jury of brand experts was impressed by Atreus in not one but two categories. Atreus stood out as the winner in the category “Corporate Services” and as the winner in the category “Brand Communication – Brand Events“.

To celebrate these successes, we present the two videos submitted for the award by the German Brand Award jury. The first video is entitled “Brand as the North Star of Digitalisation” and the second video is called “Strategic Co-Branding with Fraunhofer Alumni – 4th Innovation Lounge”. In these videos you can gain an insight into our brand strategy and our innovative cooperation approaches.

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Sabine Dreesen
Head of Marketing, Atreus GmbH

„This success would not have been possible without the commitment, dedication and expertise of our talented team and valued partners. I thank each and every one of them for their contribution to this great success, which we see as a confirmation of our excellent cooperation over the past years.“

Team spirit as a success factor and perspective

The key to sustainable success at Atreus and its partners lies in the unconditional team spirit that permeates all projects. Sabine Dreesen, Head of Marketing, thanks the entire Atreus team and partners for their cooperation and emphasises the importance of each individual for this great success: “This success would not have been possible without the commitment, dedication and expertise of our talented team and our valued partners. I thank each and every one of them for their contribution to this great success, which we see as a confirmation of our excellent cooperation over the past years.”

Back in March, Atreus was named “Best Consultant” by the business magazine brand eins. The further awards at the German Brand Award confirm Atreus’ high cross-industry reputation as a multidisciplinary consultancy.

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