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Digital Solutions and New Strategies

Pharmaceutical Industry

As in most other industries, digitization is both the biggest challenge and the greatest opportunity in pharma. New products, business models and processes offer great prospects but new requirements in ESG and HR / recruiting need to be resolved.

Atreus provides concentrated consulting expertise and precisely tailored experts and managers who implement projects with strategic foresight and maximum security.

Service Offerings

Proven Experts

We are no strangers to complex challenges and our directors are right at home in the world of C-level decision-making. Atreus will quickly find the right, tried-and-tested people for your project, who will act and implement swiftly and decisively. At the same time, Atreus directors remain on-hand as sparring partners. Our network can also activate additional Achievers at short notice – from experts to CEOs.

We support you in challenges in the pharmaceutical industry with the following services, among others:

Your Challenge

The company has a short-term need for a proven performer in a first- or second-level line function whose rapid deployment is critical to the company’s continued success.

Our Mission

We quickly strengthen your team with a qualified+ interim manager – a genuine personality with leadership skills – and deliver the right person (m/f/d) for your company situation. Atreus’ hand-picked interim managers are perfectly suited to your challenge and ready for immediate deployment – nationally and internationally, on-site or remotely, as required.

Your Solution

A suitable Atreus approved interim manager takes on full operational responsibility for successfully securing and developing your business as Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief HR Officer, Chief Operation Officer, Chief Information Officer, Chief Security Officer or as Head of Controlling, Finance, Purchasing, Logistics, Production, IT, Marketing, Sales, Client Service, Logistics, Production or Human Resources. As “Storm Proof Achievers,” Atreus interim managers are more than capable of tackling your special challenge. They act in a professional, thoughtful and hands-on manner that provides a perfect fit for your needs.

Your Challenge

You are looking for an experienced production manager for the comprehensive optimization of all processes in your company from the pharmaceutical industry.

Our Mission

We strengthen your team with the ideal leader who will ensure the optimization of your production.

Your Solution

An Atreus approved COO with experience in the pharmaceutical industry takes on the responsibility of implementing the global alignment of harmonized processes across the Group.

Do you have any questionsw?

Our experts will be happy to answer your questions.

Your Challenge

One of your investors demands a professional closing of the fiscal year and at the same time the presentation of a storyline for the further development of your business.

Our Mission

We provide you with a proven managerial resource with outstanding finance experience and persuasive skills to professionalize your finance function.

Your Solution

An Atreus Manager analyzes existing financial figures and develops meaningful KPIs to highlight key messages and recommended actions for future business development.

Do you have any questions?

Our experts will be happy to answer your questions.

Your Challenge

You need a professional HR leader who can recruit and integrate professionals for your company in very short time.

Our Mission

We provide you with the perfect resource for recruiting new talent quickly – with in-depth know-how of the latest recruiting methods and the expertise to retain top performers in your company for the long term.

Your Solution

An Atreus Certified HR Manager will meet your new hire needs in the short term and develop a long-term talent retention plan to retain your workforce.

Do you have any questions?

Our experts will be happy to answer your questions.

Your Challenge

To complement your direct sales force, you need to establish more cost-efficient and effective distribution channels in your pharmaceutical company.

Our Mission

We strengthen your team with the ideal resource for implementing digital sales channels that quickly gain acceptance.

Your Solution

An Atreus approved manager with professional omni-channel expertise develops and implements digital sales channels that offer practice and hospital physicians, among others, great flexibility as well as maximum consulting and ordering convenience.

Do you have any questions?

Our experts will be happy to answer your questions.

Your Challenge

You want to pilot an end-to-end supply chain strategy and roll it out globally. To do this, you need a project manager with overall responsibility.

Our Mission

We provide you with the matching resource for analyzing, implementing and optimizing the Sales & Operations Planning process – with the goal of successfully mapping an end-to-end supply chain process.

Your Solution

An Atreus Manager with experience in the pharmaceutical industry is responsible for planning on the sales, production, and purchasing side and primarily drives the digitization of processes with ERP, EDI, e-procurement, and e-platforms.

Do you have any questions?

Our experts will be happy to answer your questions.

Your Challenge

You are active in the pharmaceutical industry and are looking for the right CEO or CFO for one of your portfolio companies. 

Our Mission

We strengthen your team with the perfect resource to increase business value for a planned exit.

Your Solution

An Atreus Manager joins the company as a corporate officer to communicate with investors and drive the targeted execution of clinical trials.

Do you have any questions?

Our experts will be happy to answer your questions.

Branch Topics

  • Digitized agent search, ERP systems and AI systems
  • Change in globalization trends with dependencies in raw materials and transport costs
  • Managing innovations – for new products and new business models
  • ESG as the new standard
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Growth areas for production expansion and relocation
  • AI for the detection of diseases
  • Transformation of sales channels via digital solutions
  • Relocation – new location strategies
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Management leasing – integration and flexibility

Interim managers want legal certainty,
Companies want a clear chain of command.
Atreus has a proven solution for a complex issue.

Statements Manager

Dirk Machule
Atreus Manager

„The challenges in the HR area are determined by three topics: Intelligently countering the shortage of skilled workers, mastering leadership with regard to the home office situation, and making recruiting smarter for precisely fitting talents.“

Dirk Machule
Atreus Manager

„Pharmaceutical companies should adapt much faster to the sales digital opportunities. Doctors and patients have learned to use digital solutions to find out about products quickly. It’s not a matter of “either or” but “both and” with regard to advice on medications from pharmaceutical manufacturers.“

atreus_widget award handelsblatt 2023 TRestrukturierung



Automotive, Change Management,


Digitalization, Trade incl. E-Commerce, Life Science, Mechanical & Plant Engineering, Operations Management, Performance Improvement, Human Resources Consulting, Restructuring

Handelsblatt award: Atreus is one of the top consultancies 2023 for healthcare & pharma in Germany.

Contact Partner in the Pharmaceutical Industry

All the members of our team advise you on the interim filling of top management positions. Depending on their expertise and experience, the individual members focus on different industries.