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Case Study

Atreus Executive Program Manager guides company to bootstrap innovation capabilities​

Leading manufacturer in the steel and metals segment

Development of several innovation capacities at one of the largest manufacturers in the metal and steel sector. Various structures were set up for the innovation organization and an ecosystem was established.


Company Details

  • The group is the world‘s largest manufacturer of products in its segment in steel and metals​
  • +30,000 employees worldwide​
  • ~ €6m revenue​
  • Public listed company with 80 production sites worldwide​

Situation and Challenge

  • To date, the strategic business plan has only included incremental product innovations
  • No involvement in IoT so far​
  • No functioning innovation department​

Objective and Tasks

  • Corporate value to be doubled and 3 businesses to be established by 2030​
  • Topics, structure, tools, network, governance and budgeting have to be cross-checked with strategy & scope of ambition​
  • Stakeholder engagement in support for dual tenure​
  • Introducing a growth mindset and culture of innovation​

Measures and Procedures

  • Categorize product portfolio in incremental and disruptive approach​
  • Implement transparency and steering tools​
  • Establish advisory board​

Results and Achievements

  • New structure for innovation organization, profiles and candidate selection​
  • Process, structure, budget, tool support under implementation​
  • Start of ecosystem building and stabilization of efforts through innovation advisory board​

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