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Case Study

CSO for Food Service Growth Agenda 2025


Globally Leading Dairy Organization

Declining sales in the Food Service division and a lack of transparency between local and global management with regard to strategy and corporate goals lead to an impairment of cross-functional cooperation. Development and implementation of a new sales plan and the introduction of innovative sales and marketing approaches with the aim of doubling sales in the Food Service division and making the company’s overall strategy more transparent.


Company Details

  • Annual revenue of approximately €10b worldwide, with
  • €1b generated in Germany Revenues of €40m, operating at single-digit margins

Situation and Challenge

  • Declining food service revenues persistently below expectations
  • Lack of clarity and agreement on a winning strategy between local and global business leadership
  • Business targets between local and global leadership are not aligned
  • Inadequate transparency in business performance reporting, hindering cross-functional cooperation and alignment

Objective and Tasks

  • Aim to double Food Service Division Germany revenues to €100m by 2025
  • Targeting a 30% improvement in margins
  • Comprehensive definition and creation of a globally and locally coordinated strategy, including the definition of growth platforms, the development of a portfolio and brand strategy as well as a sales and market launch strategy
  • Adjustment of the organizational structure, identification of core drivers and critical success factors and preparation of a financial plan up to 2025

Measures and Procedures

  • Project scoping, team formation, milestone planning, role definition, and deliverable identification
  • Conducting comprehensive analyses including market and competitor assessments, business model review, local team evaluation, and review of marketing, sales processes, and KPIs
  • Defining growth platforms, assessing business potentials, developing sub-strategies for each platform, and identifying enablers and critical success factors

Results and Achievements

  • Developed and implemented sales plan for 2025 in line with the new strategy
  • Established innovative approaches in sales and marketing operations

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