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Case Study

Director of Investor Relations at a Global Automotive Components Supplier


Creation of the position of Director of Investor Relations at a listed company

Establishment of a robust investor relations function for the efficient dissemination of information with the aim of attracting new capital from investors and at the same time relieving the CEO and CFO of the burden of investor communication.


Company Details

  • Global automotive supplier, operating in 19 countries, renowned for innovation​
  • Listed company with a rich history of technological excellence​

Situation and Challenge

  • New Director of Investor Relations required: high-calibre specialist for investor relations inquiries and public relations​
  • As there was no previous incumbent, the position had to be created from scratch​
  • Broad investor base with diverse information requirements and comprehension levels​

Objective and Task

  • Build a robust investor relations function for seamless information dissemination​
  • Attract new capital by engaging with professional investors​
  • Reduce the workload of the CEO and CFO in dealing with investors and the press​

Measures and Procedures

  • Leveraged existing network of institutional investors and investment professionals​
  • Systematic approach to outreach and information management​

Results and Achievements

  • Expanded contacts with a broad investor base​
  • Established tools and procedures to professionalize the function​
  • Handed over to a permanent successor​

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