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Case Study

Plant Management Optimization at a Medium-sized Manufacturer

Plant Management Optimization at a Medium-sized Manufacturer

Establishing a hygiene concept and commissioning two new product lines at a manufacturer for bodycare products with the goal to reduce manufacturing costs and to establish a delivery capability


Company Details

  • Production plant in the Netherlands for own and third-party brands ​
  • Personal care products​
  • Main production site within the parent company which produces 40% of sales volume of the parent company​

Situation and Challenge

  • Massive delivery problems, high error rate in deliveries​
  • Immense quality problems​
  • Manufacturing cost in production too high​

Objective and Tasks

  • Reduce manufacturing costs​
  • Establish delivery capability​
  • Reduce errors​

Measures and Procedures

  • Establishment of an enhanced quality assurance system​
  • Line analysis with the aim of increasing productivity, implementation of measures​
  • Improvement of the supply chain, restoration of delivery reliability​
  • Sustainable team building despite limited opportunities under Covid​

Results and Achievements

  • Precautionary and hygiene concept, maximum production readiness despite external influences such as raw material and packaging material availability in Covid times​
  • Two new production lines successfully commissioned with new products​
  • Significant sales increases implemented under very challenging conditions​

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