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Case Study

Restructuring at an international plastics manufacturer

At international plastics manufacturer

Atreus Interim Manager improves product quality and delivery reliability and eliminates inefficiencies in the organisation.


Company Details

  • Company with currently approx. 130 permanent employees and a turnover of approx. €25m​
  • Approx. 90% of the turnover in the automotive sector​
  • High competence in the field of silicone processing; own tool

Situation and Challenge

  • Negative annual result of €3.7m on €31m sales ​
  • Insufficient planning accuracy; significant deviations from budget​
  • Very critical assessment by key customers due to negative performance​
  • Significant drop in sales (up to 60%) due to the Covid crisis

Objective and Task

  • Rapid restructuring and reduction of personnel and quality costs​
  • Accompaniment of the sales process​
  • Creation of transparency and restoration of trust of the owner family​

Measures and Procedures

  • Halving of the number of members of the management​
  • Assumption of operational responsibility as CEO and production manager parallel to CRO activity​
  • Improvement of product quality​
  • Reduction of indirect employees and consequent elimination of inefficiencies​

Results and Achievements

  • Generation of positive EBITDA irrespective of the Covid crisis​
  • Credible restructuring of the company and successful sale​
  • Improvement of product quality​
  • Significant increase in productivity and improvement in delivery reliability​

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