Dirk Lessing has more than 20 years of top management experience in B2C retail and B2B business: most recently he was COO and CHRO of Galeria Karstadt Kaufhof GmbH, and before that he was a board member for several years of a specialised B2B supplier, Takkt AG, for industrial equipment listed on the S-Dax.
Dirk Lessing has extensive experience in business development and in the transformation of business models of medium-sized companies. His focus is on the profound organizational, cultural and process changes that are required for successful digital transformation.
Dirk Lessing holds a wealth of experience in working with family businesses as well as with companies in the corporate environment.
Since 2016, he has been a member of the board of bevh, the German association for e-commerce and mail order, and supports entrepreneurs and founders as an advisory board member and professional advisor.