Dr. Frank Kurth

Dr. Frank Kurth is an experienced manager in large companies and in managing complex projects.

Dr. Frank Kurth’s focus is on IT-based projects and tasks. He started his career at Deutsche Bank AG in the field of European retail banking with stations in Frankfurt and Barcelona. Zuletzt verantwortete er die IT-Infrastruktur der Bank in EMEA. Subsequently, he took over the management of the foreign subsidiaries of T-Systems SI at Deutsche Telekom AG as well as the management of their automotive business, among other things. Since 2016, he has been working as an interim manager on numerous major projects as well as on mandates in Germany and abroad. Seine Orientierung gilt dabei immer dem optimalen Nutzen des Business auf Basis der eingesetzten Technologie. Dr. Frank Kurth holds a doctorate in physics (s.c.l.) with a minor in business administration.